Ranks and Roles

Art by Nothinginvain on Toyhouse

Colonies split their names into a prefix and suffix, written together as '[Prefix] of [Suffix]'. The prefix, their title, describes aspects of the cat, such as personality, appearance, or skills. The title changes often in a cat's life as they age, usually dependent on rank or their accomplishments. The suffix, meanwhile, is the actual name of the cat, given at birth. A colony cat's full name is often shortened to the suffix by friends and family.

Kit / Kitten

A child, often kept within the confines of the settlement. Once a Kit's eyes change color from blue to their natural color (seen as the time when the kitten's soul completely forms), the kit is allowed outside the settlement with supervision. Has the title of 'Kitten'.


A young cat who is training to be a full member of the colony. A kit is made into a trainee once they are around 5-8 months old. Trainees are promoted in groups in the middle of spring or fall, where the group is assigned their job. The group all learn the same job, and are given to a denning of the same job to teach them. Trainees will be taught until they are of age to be promoted, which can take anywhere from 8 to 20 months. Has the title 'Student'.


A cat who has completed their training, and is considered a full member of their colony. These cats are referred to by their job- either a guard, hunter, or healer. The title of an adept will vary, chosen by their teachers to whatever suits them best.


A cat who is tasked with guarding the colony's settlement and patrolling territory. Cats who are guards often switch between guarding the settlement, or patrolling the territory itself. Guards will often be the cats who fight in skirmishes or battles, as they are only ones heavily trained in it.


A cat who is tasked with hunting food for the colony or collecting materials. Sometimes hunters may also be tasked with keeping track of threats in the territory, due to their abilities to track and stalk.


A cat who is tasked with using plants and herbs to mend wounds. They are tasked with keeping collecting herbs, crafting and keeping track of medicines, containing and preventing illnesses, and learning more about medicines if possible.


Dennings are close-knit groups of 5-6 cats, who all trained together for a job chosen by their commander. The group as a whole is called a denning, while individuals are called denmates. Dennings all share a single den, called a Lodging.


A cat chosen at birth by the ancestors to relay messages sent by the gods, as well as perform the majority of the colony's ceremonies and rituals. Oracles are not allowed to hunt or leave the settlement without an escort, and are forbidden from fighting- losing an oracle is one of the colony's biggest fears. Has the title 'Prophet'.

Retired / Senior Adept

A cat who has become too old to continue their duties as normal. They will retain their full rank name into their retirement and may still help around the settlement if able.


The second in command to the commander, tasked with managing the colonies in the absence of the commander and giving advice. They usually take over leadership once the commander dies, although this is not always the case (the oracle has last say). Some commanders may choose to have multiple advisors, but this is frowned on. Has the title 'Voice'.


The leader of the colony, who has passed the seasonal trials and received the title and blessing from the gods. The god who the commander aligns with will often impart blessings, wisdom, or advice to the commander, which is said to be necessary for the ordeal of ruling an entire colony. Has the title 'Commander'.